
Showing posts from January, 2011

Assignment...Communication Theories

'Book of knowledge' My very first assignment for this week is about...DEFINITION or TERMS. We were given an individual task...english as a medium...using 'APA Style'...meaning that we need to mention the sources of our critical and analytical analysis. Perghh...its not as easy as you can imagine coz after almost nearly 10 years since i left out my 'student life'...writting is a bit hard for me!!!!. Otak pun dah hampir berkarat nak menyusun ayat-ayat berbentuk ilmiah. Insyaallah...with Gods will, i will gain my writting skills and knowledge again. Hopefully...hehehe!!!.      “Ya Allah, lapangkanlah dadaku, mudahkanlah segala urusanku,  dan lepaskanlah kekakuan lidahku, agar mereka mengerti perkataanku.”   Dr. Mariah Muda already assign us to define the term of COMMUNICATION. Some analysist define communication  as an act of transmitting informations, ideas and attitudes from one person to another.  (Agee.Ault.Emery-1997. Introduction To Mass Communication)